The Hong Kong Philatelic Society was established in 1921 and is the oldest philatelic organisation in Hong Kong. Members were mainly Europeans before the war and after 1946, more and more Chinese became members and the Society has grown in stature.
- Facebook: Hong Kong Philatelic Society
- Website: Hong Kong Philatelic Society
- YouTube: Andrew Cheung FRPSL, AIEP
- British Consulate Post Office in Bangkok
- Establishment of Local Mail In the Victorian Era
- Hong Kong and China Treaty Port Registered Mail
- Hong Kong Branch Offices (Part 3)
- Hong Kong Branch Offices (Part 2)
- Hong Kong Branch Offices (Part 1)
- Hong Kong Errors
- Hong Kong Mail to Dead Countries
- Hong Kong Study Circle Joint Meeting
- Japanese Occupation and Post-War Period (Part 1)
- Japanese Occupation and Post-War Period (Part 2)
- Japanese Occupation and Post-War Period (Part 3)
- Joint Meeting (May 2022)
- Join Meeting (June 2022)
- KGVI 8c Definitive Stamp
- Mechanised Cancelling Machines
- Postal Matters at Macao and Hong Kong (1840-1842)
- Watermark Detection Methods
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