Malawi Philately: 1972 Air Malawi – 3t Vickers Viscount

Air Malawi introduced two ex-Central African Airways (CAA) Vickers Viscounts in 1967 when CAA was wound down.

The Viscount entered service on 2 April 1968 on the Blantyre to Johannesburg route, and later routes included Blantyre-Salisbury, and Salisbury-Mauritius via Blantyre and Nampula. The Viscounts were sold to Air Zimbabwe in 1979 and 1980.

  • Date of Issue: 9 February 1972
  • Date Withdrawn: 
  • Date Invalidated: 
  • Designer: Richard Granger Barrett
  • Printer: Questa Colour Security Printers Ltd (House of Questa)
  • Process: Lithography
  • Paper: 
  • Watermark: Cockerels (sideways)
  • Perf: 13.5 (comb)
  • Cylinders: Green, Grey, Red, Black
  • Sheet: 
  • Quantity:
Sheet Numbers
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