Rhodesia & Nyasaland Philately: African Pygmy Kingfisher (Ispidina picta)

The African pygmy kingfisher is distributed widely in Africa south of the Sahara, where it is a common resident and intra-African migrant. It is absent from much of the horn of Africa, and also the drier western regions of Southern Africa. It is found in woodland, savanna and coastal forest, and it is not bound to water. It is usually found either singly or in pairs and is secretive and unobtrusive.

The African pygmy kingfisher is a very small kingfisher with rufous underparts and a blue back extending down to the tail. The dark blue crown of the adult separates it from the African dwarf kingfisher. The smaller size and violet wash on the ear coverts distinguish it from the similar malachite kingfisher.

The natalensis subspecies occurring in the south of the range has paler underparts and a blue spot above the white ear patch. Juveniles have less extensive violet on their ear coverts and a black rather than orange bill. The call is a high-pitched insect-like “tsip-tsip” given in flight.


1961 – Kingstons Ltd (Tour Rhodesia & Nyasaland Series)

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