Rhodesia Philately: 1969 Bridges of Rhodesia – 1/6d Umniati Bridge

The bridge depicted on this stamp crosses the Umniati River 116 miles from Salisbury on the main trunk road to Bulawayo and is typical of those found on Rhodesian highways today. This high-level all-weather bridge has an overall length of 500 ft. and consists of five filled spandrel arches with spans of 100 ft. on mass concrete abutments and piers. This was also designed and built by the Southern Rhodesia Government. It was completed in September, 1956, at a cost of £87,000.

  • Designer: Rose Martin
  • Printer: Mardon Printers (Pvt.) Ltd., Salisbury, Rhodesia
  • Process: Lithography
  • Paper: Chromo with creamy/brown gum
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: 14.5 (comb)
  • Cylinders: 1A (Black) 1A (Red) 1A (Blue) 1A (Yellow)
  • Sheet: R6 x 10 (60 stamps)
  • Quantity: 240,000
Sheet NUmbers
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