Rhodesia & Nyasaland Philately: 1959 Definitive Series – 2/- Chirundu Bridge

The Chirundu Bridge (Otto Beit Bridge) was only one of two road links at that time across the Zambezi linking the Rhodesias. The other bridge being the Victoria Falls Bridge.

  • Designer: 
  • Printer: Thomas De La Rue & Company London
  • Process: Recess
  • Paper: 
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: 14.5 (comb)
  • Plates: Printed in panes of two and separated by vertical gutter.
    • 1A (Grey-Green) 1A (Grey-Green) : 1B (Orange-Brown) 1B (Grey-Green) [left pane : right pane]
  • Sheet: R10 x 6 (60 stamps)
  • Quantity: 1,200,000
Sheet Numbers
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