Australia Philately: 1986 The Decision To Settle – 33c Captain Arthur Phillip

Captain Arthur Phillip was chosen as Captain General of the First Fleet and Governor-in-Chief of the penal colony to be established in New South Wales. He had a reputation as a competent, trustworthy officer and an excellent administrator. Furthermore, he had experience in transporting convicts and in farming and land management – essential qualities for the Governor of the new colony. 

The portrait of Arthur Phillip was painted in 1786 by Francis Wheatly. The backgrounds are based on an engraving and a painting by William Bradley.

  • Series: The Decision to Settle
  • Subject: Captain Arthur Phillip
  • Designer: David Lancashire
  • Printer: Cambrec Press, Melbourne
  • Process: Photolithography
  • Colours: 
  • Paper: APWH stamp paper
  • Perf: 13.25
  • Sheet: 50 stamps (R5 x 5) printed in two panes, separated by horizontal gutter.
  • Quantity:
First Day Cover
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