Australia Philately: 1987 People of the First Fleet – 37c Convicts

Crimes punishable by transportation included the stealing of domestic animals, highway robbery, theft, forgery, vandalism and receiving stolen goods. The envelope shows a group of shackled convicts. In the background is a painting by Lieutenant William Bradley of the Fleet’s departure. Superimposed over the painting is an excerpt from a letter by Captain Arthur Phillip to Sir Evan Nepean, Under Secretary of State. A portrait of Phillip appears in the stamp area.

  • Series: 1987 People of the First Fleet
  • Subject: Convicts
  • Designer: Sandra Baker, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio
  • Printer: CPE Australia Ltd, Melbourne
  • Process: Photolithography
  • Colours: 
  • Paper: Postspeed
  • Size: 190 x 103mm
  • Set: 1 of 4
  • Quantity:
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