Australia Philately: 1969 50th Anniversary of International Labour Organization

A 5c postage stamp will be issued on 4th June, 1969, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the International Labour Organization, and will remain on sale for approximately two weeks.

Announcing this recently, the Postmaster-General, Mr. Alan Hulme, said that Australia is one of more than eighty countries which will issue stamps this year in recognition of the important role played by the I.L.O. in striving to overcome social problems and to improve labour conditions throughout the world.

The I.L.O. was created in June, 1919, as part of the League of Nations and in 1946 it became the first specialised agency of the United Nations. The world headquarters of the I.L.O. is located at Geneva.

The Australian stamp was designed by Mr. George Hamori, of Sydney. The design shows an overlapping of circles, symbolizing the interconnection in the International Labour Organisation of management, labour and government.

The colours of the stamps will be grey, light blue, dark blue and gold. It will be of the usual commemorative size (34.5mm x 22mm, printed area) and be printed in photogravure at the Note Printing Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne, in sheets of 100.

  • Date of Issue: 4 June 1969
  • Withdrawn Date:
  • Invalidated: 
  • Designer: George Hamori
  • Printer: Note Printing Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia
  • Process: Photogravure
  • Cylinders: Grey – Light Blue – Dark Blue – Gold
  • Paper: Wiggins Teape – chalk coated with Helecon
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: 13.5 (comb)
  • Sheet: Printed in two panes of 50 stamps (R5 x 10) divided by horizontal gutter.
  • Quantity: 186,090,000 (sold)
Sheet Numbers
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