Australia Philately: 1986 Restored Historic Public Buildings – 36c Old Hospital, York

The Old Hospital is one of many fine public buildings in the historic township of York, Western Australia. Built in 1896 of the richly-coloured local clay bricks, the two-storey building features a steep shingle roof she-oak. It has been acquired and restored by the National Trust with the assistance of the Commonwealth National Estate Grant funding and is currently leased by the Department of Youth, Sport and recreation for use as a community recreation centre camp. 

  • Series: 1986 Restored Historic Public Buildings
  • Subject: Old Hospital, York
  • Designer: John Spatchurst, Sydney
  • Printer: Cambec Press, Melbourne
  • Process: Photolithography
  • Colours:
  • Paper:
  • Set: 6 of 7
  • Quantity:
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