Australia Philately: 1971 Fifth Commonwealth Education Conference

A special postmarker will be used at a temporary post office at the Hayon-Allen Building, Canberra, for the Fifth Commonwealth Education Conference, 3rd-17th February, 1971. Australian collectors may obtain impressions by forwarding fully stamped and addressed envelopes, under pre-paid cover, to the Postmaster, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601, to reach him by 2nd February. Thereafter, covers, full-addressed and stamped, and under prepaid wrapper, should be sent to the Postmaster, Fifth Commonwealth Education Conference, Canberra A.C.T. 2600, to reach him by 17th February, 1971.

  • Date: 3 February 1971 – 17 February 1971
  • Quantity: