Australia Philately: 1974 Australian Paintings

Reproductions of three notable paintings will be shown on a set of long term definitive stamps of $1, $2 and $4 values to be issued on 24th April, 1974.

Two of the stamps, the $1 Sergeant of Light Horse and the $4 Shearing of the Rams are illustrated above; the third stamp in the set, not illustrated, will be the $2 Red Gums of the Far North. The original of this work was painted by Hans Heysen (1877-1968) and is held by the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney. 

The Australian Painting series is being printed by multi-colour photogravure on the Chambron press at the Note Printing Branch of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne. Dimensions of each stamp are 50 mm x 30 mm (the $1 is in vertical format). This is the same size as the stamps in the 1971 Australia-Asia series. Each value will be issued in sheets of 50 stamps printed on Harrison unwatermarked paper without any form luminenscence, as practically none of these values pass through electronic letter processing equipment. 

The issue of the Australian Painting series replaces the remaining three stamps in the 1966 Navigator series. However, the $1 Flinders, $2 Bass and $4 King stamps will continue on sale at post offices and philatelic sales centres, while stock last, for up to a futher 12 months. 

  • Date of Issue: 24 April 1974
  • Withdrawn Date:
    • 30 April 1974 (first day covers)
  • Withdrawn Date: Philatelic Sales Centres
    • 14 March 1980 ($4)
  • Invalidated: 
  • Designer: 
  • Printer: Note Printing Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne
  • Press: Chambon
  • Process: Multi-colour photogravure
  • Cylinders: Yellow – Magenta – Cyan – Charcoal – Black ($1, $2, $4)
  • Paper: Harrison unwatermarked paper
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: Comb
    • 13.25 x 13.5 ($1)
    • 13.5 x 13.25 ($2, $4)
  • Sheet: 
    • Printed in two panes of 25 stamps (R5 x 5) divided by vertical gutter. ($1)
    • Printed in two panes of 25 stamps (R5 x 5) divided by horizontal gutter. ($2, $4)
  • Quantity:
    • 66,043,750 ($1)
    • 66,202,100 ($2)
Souvenir Pack

The three Australian Paintings stamps will also be presented in a souvenir stamp pack costing $7.00. A folder in the pack includes notes on the paintings and biographical details of the painters.

Australian collectors may purchase the Australian Paintings stamps and souvenir pack from post offices and philatelic sales centres. 

First Day Covers (Official)

A large size first day of issue cover has been produced for the issue (220 mm x 110 mm – similar in size to the Pioneer Life first day cover). The illustration on the cover shows an artist at work at his easel. Unserviced covers will be available at 9c each from 17th April, 1974, from all philatelic sales centres and first day of issue post offices. Fully serviced covers bearing the three stamps and costing $7.09 each will be sold at these points until 30th April, 1974, providing stocks of these covers last for that period. 



Philatelic Bulletin

Australia Post Philatelic Bulletin No.120 – June 1974