Australia Philately: 1979 150th Anniversary of Western Australia

Western Australia is Australia’s largest state. It covers an area over 2.5 million square kilometres and has a 7,000 kilometre coastline. This year Western Australia is celebrating the 150th anniversary of its foundation and a 20c stamp will be issued on 6 June 1979 to commemmorate the ses-quincentenary. The stamp was designed by Bruce Weatherhead of Melbourne and embodies the State’s official anniversary symbol. This symbol has been adapted from Western Australia’s traditional symbol – the black swan. It incorporates the colours red and gold to depict the State’s sunset and beaches. Norman Wilson of Perth designed the official anniversary symbol. 

  • Date of Issue: 6 June 1979
  • Withdrawn Date:
    • 6 June 1980 (Philatelic Sales Centres)
  • Invalidated: 
  • Designer: Bruce Weatherhead
  • Printer: Note Printing Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne
  • Process: Multicolour photogravure
  • Cylinders:
  • Paper: Burnie KP6T cream paper – with Helecon
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: 13.75 x 13.25 (comb)
  • Sheet: 
  • Quantity: 26,388,000
Sheet Numbers
First Day Covers No.128 & 129 (Official)

Two first day covers numbered 128 and 129 will be provided for the issue. Unserviced covers will be availabl for $A0.12 each from 30 May 1979. Serviced covers with the stamp affixed and postmarked will be available for $A0.32 each from all first day of issue post offices until 19 June 1979, provided stocks last. 

Commemorative Brochures

Seventeen commemorative brochures featuring seventeen of Western Australia’s post offices wil be issued and these will be available at the featured post office and philatelic sales centres in capital cities. Each brochure contains a commemorative 20c stamp. Serviced brochures will be available for $A0.35 each and the complete set for $A5.95.


Also available at Western Australian post offices and philatelic sales centres in capital cities will be a booklet outlining the history of postal development in Western Australia. The booklet contains a 20c stamp and will cost $A0.20.

Stamp Bulletin

Australia Post Stamp Bulletin No.141 – June 1979

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