Australia Philately: 1979 Australian Birds – 40c Lovely Wren

The Lovely Wren (Malurus lamberti amabilis) featured on the 40c stamp is a tropical form of the variegated wren species and lives on the Cape York peninsula in northern Queensland. The wren’s breeding season and the nest, constructed from grass and spider egg-sacs, is normally situated close to the ground. The brilliantly coloured male wren loses his blue colouring in the non-mating season. 

  • Series: 1979 Australian Birds
  • Subject: Lovely Wren
  • Designer: Kay Breeden Williams
  • Printer: Note Issue Department, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne
  • Process: Multi-colour photogravure (Chambon press)
  • Cylinders: Stone Tint – Royal Blue Tint – Red – Grey-Olive Tint – Black  (printing order)
  • Paper: KP6T unwatermarked coated paper incorporating helecon
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: 13.5 x 13.25 (comb)
  • Sheet: Printed in two panes of 50 stamps (R5 x 10) divided by horizontal gutter.
  • Quantity: 63,632,500
Sheet Numbers
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