Australia Philately: 1986 Restored Historic Public Buildings – 36c Macquarie House, Launceston

Macquarie House was built in 1830 for wealthy Launceston merchant, Henry Reed. It is a typical colonial Georgian warehouse, built of brick and sandstone to a symmetrical plan. Between 1978 and 1982 it was restored by the Tasmanian Government with Commonwealth funding and it is now home to a branch of the Queen Victoria Museum. 

  • Series: 1986 Restored Historic Public Buildings
  • Subject: Macquarie House, Launceston
  • Designer: John Spatchurst, Sydney
  • Printer: Cambec Press, Melbourne
  • Process: Photolithography
  • Colours:
  • Paper:
  • Set: 3 of 7
  • Quantity:
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