Australia Philately: 1986 The Decision To Settle – 33c Lord Sydney

Secretary of State in the Home Office, Lord Sydney, was given the responsibility for finding a solution to the convict problem. It was he who advised the Treasury and Admiralty of the decision to send convicts to Botany Bay. He subsequently administered the preparations of the First Fleet and the affairs of the colony during its first months. 

The portrait is of Thomas Townshend (Lord Sydney), attributed to artist, Gilbert Stuart. The backgrounds are based on an engraving and a painting by William Bradley.

  • Series: The Decision to Settle
  • Subject: Lord Sydney
  • Designer: David Lancashire
  • Printer: Cambrec Press, Melbourne
  • Process: Photolithography
  • Colours: 
  • Paper: APWH stamp paper
  • Perf: 13.25
  • Sheet: 50 stamps (R5 x 5) printed in two panes, separated by horizontal gutter.
  • Quantity:
First Day Cover
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