Australia Philately: 1987 The First Fleet: Cape of Good Hope October 1787

Australia Posts’ timely series of First Fleet stamps takes another step forward on 13 October 1987. Three stamps will be issued on that date, commemorating the arrival of the fleet at Cape of Good Hope two hundred years ago.

The eleven ships of the fleet sailed from Rio de Janeiro on 5 September 1787. Ahead was their third and final civilised port of call en route. 

Light winds soon gave way to storms and gales causing damage to several of the ships. Nor was the weather the sole source of adventure on the penultimate leg of the voyage. A mutiny attempt was put down on board the Alexander, and on the Friendship a dispute amongst the officers led to unseemly scuffles. The crew of the Sirius were alarmed to discover some of the ship’s timbers to be rotten. 

It took more than five weeks for the fleet to complete the crossing from Rio to the Cape. Land sighted early on the morning of 13 October, and by dark all eleven ships were anchored in Table Bay.

Cape Town in 1787 was a Dutch settlement servicing the needs of the Dutch East Indiamen trafficking between the Netherlands and the Spice Islands of the East. Government House was set in the East India Company’s garden “…planted chiefly with vegetables for the Dutch Indiamen which happen to touch at the port.”

Provisions were loaded. Corn was in short supply, but cattle and other supplies were found to be plentiful. According to Captain Phillip‘s record of the voyage “…the ships, having on board not less than five hundred animals of different Kinds, but chiefly poultry, put on an appearance which naturally enough excited the idea of a Noah’s Ark.”

Whilst in port all, even the convicts, enjoyed the luxury of fresh meat and vegetables. 

On 12 November 1787 the Fleet set sail once more. Ahead was Botany Bay, visited previously only by Cook and the crew of the Endeavour. Phillip issued orders for the Fleet to be split. Supply went ahead of the main fleet to determine the most appropriate location for the settlement. She was followed by the three fastest transports. The remainder of the Fleet, under Captain Hunter’s command, was to proceed at its own pace. 

As with previous issues in the First Fleet series, the stamp designs link together to form a single mural-like panorama of events encountered on the voyage of the First Fleet – from departure to final destination. The last five stamps in the series are scheduled for release on Australia Day, 26 January 1988.

  • Date of Issue: 13 October 1987
  • Withdrawn Date:
    • 26 October 1987 (First Day Cover)
    • 30 December 1988 (Stamps & Stamp Pack)
  • Designer: Sue Passmore, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio
  • Printer: CPE Australia Ltd, Melbourne
  • Process: Photolithography
  • Colours: 
  • Paper: Harrison’s stamp paper
  • Perf: 13.25
  • Sheet: 50 stamps printed in two panes (R5 x 5), separated by horizontal gutter.
  • Quantity:
Gutter Strip
First Day Covers

First day covers were priced at $1.94.

First Fleet at Cape of Good Hope – Sydney NSW 2000 (National Postmark)

This was the first set to have a First Day of Issue national postmark.

First Fleet at Cape of Good Hope – Melbourne VIC 4000 (Victorian Postmark)

First Day of Issue postmarkers were prepared by Australia Post’s Victorian administration.

First Fleet at Cape of Good Hope – Perth WA 8000 (West Australian Postmark)

First Day of Issue postmarkers were prepared by Australia Post’s Western Australian administration.

Stamp Pack

The stamp pack was priced at $2.09.

Stamp Bulletin

Australia Stamp Bulletin No.192 (October 1987)

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