Australia Philately: 1987 The First Fleet: Departure May 1787 (Maximum Cards)

Two hundred years ago, the convoy of eleven ships comprising the First Fleet sailed from Portsmouth, England, bound for Botany Bay more than eight months away. Aboard were about 750 convicts, plus marines, naval officers, sailors and civilians, under the leadership of Governor-Elect of the British penal colony in New South Wales, Captain Arthur Phillip. Preparations for departure had been underway for several months as convicts were assembled from jails and prison hulks around the country and the fleet readied for its arduous journey.

After many delays, the First Fleet departed on 13 May 1787, headed for its first port of call, Teneriffe in the Canary Islands. 

  • Date of Issue: 18 May 1987*
  • Withdrawn Date:
  • Designer: Sue Passmore, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio
  • Printer: 
  • Process:
  • Colours: 
  • Paper:
  • Set: 5 of 5
  • Quantity:

The maximum cards went on sale 18 May 1987 but were postmarked 13 May 1987.

Maximum Cards

The set of five maximum cards was priced at $3.25.

Promotional Pamphlet

Exciting and New Collector’s Piece from Australia Post

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