Australia Philately: 1987 The First Fleet: Rio de Janeiro August 1787

  • Date of Issue: 6 August 1987
  • Withdrawn Date:
    • 19 August 1987 (First Day Cover)
    • 30 December 1988 (Stamps & Stamp Pack)*
  • Designer: Sue Passmore, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio
  • Printer: CPE Australia Ltd, Melbourne
  • Process: Photolithography
  • Colours: 
  • Paper: Harrison’s stamp paper
  • Perf: 13.25
  • Sheet: 50 stamps (R5 x 5) printed in two panes, separated by horizontal gutter.
  • Quantity:

The set was originally designed with the postal rate of 36c. On 1 July 1987, the ordinary postal rate increased to 37c per stamp.

The original withdrawn date for the stamps was 26 February 1988. However, in October 1987, Australia Post extended the date to 30 December 1988.

Gutter Strip
First Day Covers

The first day covers were priced at $2.05. There was no First Day of Issue national postmark for this issue.

First Day Covers (Pictorial Postmarks)
Stamp Pack

The stamp pack was priced at $2.20.

Stamp Bulletin

Australia Stamp Bulletin No.190 (July 1987)

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