Australia Philately: 1987 The First Fleet: Teneriffe June 1787

A week after sailing, the escort vessel HMS Hyaena broke away from the fleet and turned for home. Heavy seas battered the fleet for the next ten days as the ships headed south, sailing wide of the Hispanic peninsula and the Straits of Gibraltar. 

First port of call was to be the town of Santa Cruz on Teneriffe in the Canary Islands, there to take on fresh water and vegetables. The fleet arrived at Teneriffe on 3 June 1787, three weeks after leaving England. They were greeted by the Spanish Governor of the Canaries, Marquis de Brancifort, who entertained Captain Philip and his senior officers ashore. 

One of Phillip’s officers, Marine Captain Watkin Tench recorded:

“During our short stay we had every day some fresh proof of his Excellency’s esteem and attention, and had the honour of dining with him, in a style of equal elegance and splendor.”

He went on to note with surprise the “…profusion of ices…” served, despite the warm climate of the islands. Source of the ice was the spectacular mountain peak, Pico de Teide, that towers over Teneriffe.

Watkin Tench was, at first, unimpressed with the celebrated peak which was mostly shrouded in cloud. However, his opinion changed when once again the fleet set sail:

“In sailing from Teneriffe to the south-east, the various and picturesque appearances of the Peak are beautiful to the highest degree. The stupendous height, which before was lost on the traveller, now strikes him with awe & admiration, the whole island appearing one vast mountain with a pyramid top.”

While the Officers were treated richly ashore, the convicts remained confined aboard the transporters. That is, all but one one who managed to escape from the Alexander in the ship’s Jolly Boat. His freedom was short-lived. The escapee was recaptured the following morning and unceremoniously escorted back on board.

The set of three stamps that Australia Post will issue on 3 June 1987 brings to life the fleet’s sojourn at Teneriffe.

  • Date of Issue: 3 June 1987
  • Withdrawn Date:
    • 16 June 1987 (First Day Cover)
    • 30 December 1988 (Stamps & Stamp Pack)*
  • Designer: Sue Passmore, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio
  • Printer: CPE Australia Ltd, Melbourne
  • Process: Photolithography
  • Colours: 
  • Paper: Harrison’s stamp paper
  • Perf: 13.25
  • Sheet: 50 stamps (R5 x 5) printed in two panes, separated by horizontal gutter.
  • Quantity:

The original withdrawn date for the stamps was 31 December 1987. However, in October 1987, Australia Post extended the date to 30 December 1988.

Gutter Strip
First Day Covers

The first day covers were priced at $1.92. There was no First Day of Issue national postmark for this issue.

First Day Covers (Pictorial Postmarks)
Stamp Pack

The stamp pack was priced at $2.07.

Stamp Bulletin

Australia Stamp Bulletin No.189 (April 1987)


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