Australia Philately: Ryde

On 3 January 1792, the first land in the Field of Mars area was granted to eight marines, along the northern bank of the river between Sydney and Parramatta. The area was named by Governor Phillip to reflect the military association with these new settlers.

These grants were soon followed by grants to ten emancipated convicts in February 1792, the land being further to the east of the marines grants, thus the area was called Eastern Farms or the Eastern Boundary.

By 1794 the name Eastern Farms had given way to Kissing Point, a name believed to have originated from the way in which heavily laden boats passing up the Parramatta River bumped or ‘kissed’ the rocky outcrop which extends into the river at today’s Kissing Point. Further grants were issued in 1794 and 1795.

By 1803 most of the accessible land had been granted. Settlement was based along the Parramatta River and overlooking ridges. Governor King recognised that most of the smaller settlers had insufficient land for their stock but it was not possible to grant them larger allotments. In 1804 it was decided that a ‘traditional English common’ – a large area of public land for use by local inhabitants – would be set aside. Six commons were gazetted.

By 1841 the new name, Ryde, was emerging for the district. It derived from Ryde on the Isle of Wight and first appeared on a subdivision plan for the proposed village to be created around St. Anne’s Church. The English Ryde was the birthplace of Mary Turner, the wife of the vicar of St. Anne’s, the Reverend George Turner, and also of George Pope, Kissing Point’s first postmaster.

Pictorial Postmarks

Ryde NSW 2112

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