Australia Philately: 1986 The Decision To Settle – $1 Captain John Hunter

Phillip’s second-in-command was Captain John Hunter. Initially, Hunter had been considered as an alternative to Phillip to command the First Fleet. As it was, he held a dormant commission to succeed Phillip as Governor should Phillip die or be incapacitated. Indeed, when ill-health forced Phillips’ return to England in 1792,…

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Australia Philately: 1986 The Decision To Settle – 33c Captain Arthur Phillip

Captain Arthur Phillip was chosen as Captain General of the First Fleet and Governor-in-Chief of the penal colony to be established in New South Wales. He had a reputation as a competent, trustworthy officer and an excellent administrator. Furthermore, he had experience in transporting convicts and in farming and land…

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Australia Philately: 1986 The Decision To Settle – 33c King George III

King George III was the reigning monarch through this eventful period of British history. He was reputed to be obstinate. rash and tyrannical, and through his political ineptitude had been blamed for inciting the American War of Independence. However, it was he who approved the funds for Cook’s voyage which…

View More Australia Philately: 1986 The Decision To Settle – 33c King George III