Australia Philately: N.S.W. Stamp Promotion Council – ASPC 152 (Card 2 HMS Brig Supply)

Burthen: 168 and 28/94 tons Length: 178 feet 6 inches Breadth: 22 feet 2 inches Depth in hold: 11 feet 6 inches Presumed to have been built on the Thames (England) by Thomas Slade in 1759, but little known of early history. Commissioned October 1786 as an armed tender under…

View More Australia Philately: N.S.W. Stamp Promotion Council – ASPC 152 (Card 2 HMS Brig Supply)

Australia Philately: N.S.W. Stamp Promotion Council – NSWSPC 009

The “Supply” and other ships, including HMS “Sirius” after arrival in Botany Bay. From a drawing by R. Clevely and engraved by T. Medland in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich (England). The First Fleet, commanded by Governor Captain Arthur Phillip comprised 11 ships, with Sirius, the Flagship, commanded by Captain…

View More Australia Philately: N.S.W. Stamp Promotion Council – NSWSPC 009

Australia Philately: N.S.W. Stamp Promotion Council – ASPC 032

MATTHEW FLINDERS (1774-1814) Born England. Joined Navy as a boy, served under Capt. (later Admiral) William Bligh. With surgeon George Bass proved Tasmania was an island and later circumnavigated the Continent of Australia (1802-1803). Spent 6 years as prisoner of French on island of Mauritius, was released in 1810, returned…

View More Australia Philately: N.S.W. Stamp Promotion Council – ASPC 032