A African Map Butterfly (Cryestis camillus sublineatus) Auratus Cichlid (Pseudotropheus auratas) B Bean Blister Beetle (Mylabris dicincta) Bidens pinnatipartita Blue Quail (Excalfactoria adansoni) Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) C Carmine Bee-Eater (Merops nubicoides) Chambo (Oreochromis lidole) D Dwarf Red Hibiscus (Hibiscus rhodanthus) E Eland (Taurotragus oryx) Elegant Grasshopper (Zonocerus elegans) F G…
View More Malawi Philately: Flora & FaunaCategory: Malawi
Malawi Philately: Spurwing Goose (Plectropterus gambensis)
The spur-winged goose (Plectropterus gambensis) is a large, Sub-Saharan African waterbird in the family Anatidae, which includes geese and shelducks. However, P. gambensis developed unique environmental adaptations, which resulted in the evolution of several anatomical features that are not shared with other anatids; thus, the species has been classified one…
View More Malawi Philately: Spurwing Goose (Plectropterus gambensis)Malawi Philately: Paradise Whydah (Vidua paradisaea)
The long-tailed paradise whydah or eastern paradise whydah (Vidua paradisaea) is from the family Viduidae of the order Passeriformes. They are small passerines with short, stubby bills found across Sub-Saharan Africa. The paradise whydahs are found in grassland, savanna and open woodland where they live in bushed grassland around cultivation.…
View More Malawi Philately: Paradise Whydah (Vidua paradisaea)Malawi Philately: 1964 Definitive Series – 1s Timber
Details Subject: Timber Designer: Victor Whitely Printer: Harrisons & Sons Ltd, London Process: Photogravure Paper: Watermark: 1st – None 4th/7th Printing – Cockerels Perf: 14.5 (comb) Cylinders: 1A (Blue Green) 1A (Brown) 1A (Yellow) Sheet: R10 x 6 (60 stamps) Quantity: Reprints: 4th Printing – 1 April 1966 7th Printing – 16…
View More Malawi Philately: 1964 Definitive Series – 1s TimberMalawi Philately: Carmine Bee-Eater (Merops nubicoides)
The southern carmine bee-eater (Merops nubicoides) is a species of bee-eater found across sub-equatorial Africa. It was formerly considered conspecific with the closely related northern carmine bee-eater, with the combined species then known as carmine bee-eater. This species, like other bee-eaters, is richly coloured and is predominantly carmine in colouration,…
View More Malawi Philately: Carmine Bee-Eater (Merops nubicoides)Malawi Philately: Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii)
The nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) is a spiral-horned antelope native to southern Africa. It is a species of the family Bovidae and genus Tragelaphus, previously placed in genus Nyala. It was first described in 1849 by George French Angas. The coat is maroon or rufous brown in females and juveniles, but…
View More Malawi Philately: Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii)Malawi Philately: Praying Mantis (Sphodromantis)
Sphodromantis is a large genus of praying mantises concentrated in Africa, sometimes considered a synonym of the genus Hierodula: from the same tribe, Paramantini. Outside their range especially, many share the common name African Mantis. Stamps & Postal Products 1970 Insects of Malawi – 3s Praying Mantis (Sphodromantis)
View More Malawi Philately: Praying Mantis (Sphodromantis)Malawi Philately: 1964 Definitive Series – £1 Nyala
Details Subject: Nyala Designer: Victor Whitely Printer: Harrisons & Sons Ltd, London Process: Photogravure Paper: Watermark: None Perf: 14.5 (comb) Cylinders: 1A 1A Sheet: R6 x 10 (60 stamps) Quantity: Reprints: 2nd Printing – February 1965
View More Malawi Philately: 1964 Definitive Series – £1 NyalaMalawi Philately: Pumpkin Ladybird (Henosepilachna elaterii)
The Pumpkin ladybird beetle, (Henosepilachna elaterii) is a phytophagous ladybird species found in southern Europe, Africa and western Asia. It feeds mainly on squirting cucumber, but also on other cultivated or spontaneous Cucurbitaceae plants. Stamps & Postal Products 1970 Insects of Malawi – 1/6d Pumpkin Ladybird (Henosepilachna elaterii) References Wikipedia:…
View More Malawi Philately: Pumpkin Ladybird (Henosepilachna elaterii)Malawi Philately: Bean Blister Beetle (Mylabris dicincta)
Mylabris dicincta is a species of beetle in the Meloidae family. The scientific name of the species was first validly published in 1850 by Bertoloni. Blister beetles are 1 to 4 cm large, colourful beetles. They can be seen eating flowers during the summer months. Most are black and yellow,…
View More Malawi Philately: Bean Blister Beetle (Mylabris dicincta)