Rhodesia Philately: Cape Bushbuck (Tragelaphus sylvaticus)

The Cape bushbuck (Tragelaphus sylvaticus) is a common, medium-sized bushland-dwelling, and a widespread species of antelope in sub-Saharan Africa. It is found in a wide range of habitats, such as rain forests, montane forests, forest-savanna mosaic, savanna, bushveld, and woodland. They are generally solitary, territorial browsers. Cape bushbucks have a…

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Zambia Philately: 1964 Independence First Definitive Issue – £1 Makishi Dancer

Details Subject: Makishi Dancer Designer: Gabriel Ellison Printer: Harrison & Sons Ltd. Process: Photogravure Paper:  Watermark: None Perf: 14.5 x 13.5 Cylinders: 1A (Red), 1A (Black), 1A (Yellow), 1A (Brown) Sheet: R10 x 6 Quantity: Reprintings: 24 February 1967 Cylinder Number

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Zambia Philately: 1964 Independence First Definitive Issue – 9d Zambezi Redwood

Baikiaea plurijuga, known as Zambesi redwood, is a species of Afrotropical tree from the legume family, the Fabaceae from southern Africa. The wood of Baikiaea plurijuga forms a dense hardwood which makes it a difficult wood to work, but it is valued for its termite resistance and resistance to rot,…

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