FILANANIAS 2021 – III Filatelia Ananias Virtual Exhibition’s main objective is to promote Philately via the Internet, encourage and train new philatelists, being a fraternization between philatelists and the general public, with a didactic and cultural nature.

With the participation of philatelists from Brazil and other countries, as well as the valiant participation of Internet users who honor them by following the event and voting on the collections. Their unique feature: the only philatelic exhibition that chooses the best collection by popular vote on the internet.

In this 3rd edition of the exhibition, they have a lot of new developments, aiming at a better participation of philatelists, in a new exhibition platform, with a better visualization and monitoring of collections and other works.

FILANANIAS is being presented by the Virtuafil Platform, they are inaugurating and pioneering Virtuafil, a new concept of presenting virtual philatelic exhibitions.

Aiming at the participation of all philatelists, as FILANANIAS is open to all philatelists and collections, regardless of the level of collections and philatelists, we divide the exhibition into classes, categories and levels to suit all participants.

Registration is FREE.


2 Replies to “FILANANIAS 2021”

    1. Thank you!!! Such a great honour! 😀

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