Malawi Philately: 1968 Christmas – 1/6d Adoration of the Shepherds

Adoration of the Shepherds is a c.1642 oil on canvas painting by Guido Reni, commissioned by Giovan Battista Pisante, prior of the Certosa di San Martino in Naples, and still hanging on the main wall of the choir of that institution’s church.

  • Designer: Harrison & Sons Ltd London
  • Printer: Harrison & Sons Ltd, London
  • Process: Photogravure
  • Paper: 
  • Watermark: Cockerels
  • Perf: 14 x 14.5 (comb)
  • Cylinders: 1A (Yellow), 1A (Magenta), 1A (Reddish-Brown), 1A (Cyan), 1A (Black)
  • Sheet: 
  • Quantity:
Cylinder Numbers
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