The these of the 1968 Malawi Christmas release was peace on Earth. “Peace on Earth, good will to men” is a phrase from the Biblical annunciation to the shepherds.
- Date of Issue: 5 November 1969
- Date Withdrawn: 4 February 1970
- Date Invalidated:
- Designer: Jennifer Toombs
- Printer: Harrison & Sons Ltd., London
- Process: Photogravure
- Paper:
- Watermark: Cockerels
- Perf: 14.5 x 14 (comb)
- Cylinders: 1A 1A
- Sheet: R12 x 5 (60 stamps)
- Quantity:
- 2d
- 4d
- 9d
- 1/6d
- 3s
- 5s 9d – Miniature Sheet