Malawi Philately: Reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula)

Reedbuck is a common name for African antelopes from the genus Redunca.  The mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) is an antelope found in mountainous areas of much of sub-Saharan Africa.  It has a grey coat with a white underbelly and reddish-brown head and shoulders.

Mountain reedbucks are predominantly grazers, and water is an important habitat requirement. They tend to feed in the early evening and morning hours, normally in small groups of six or fewer animals. A typical group is made up of one adult male and several adult females and juveniles. Adolescent males are forced out of their herds and form small bachelor herds.

Stamps & Postal Products

1971 Antelopes Definitive Series – 3t Reedbuck

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