International Stamp Club of New York: Exploring Pakistan’s Stamp History

Prepare to be amazed as Sam Vascones unveils his remarkable comprehensive collection of Pakistani stamps! Join us as he provides an introduction to Pakistan‘s history, including its founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah, independence, flag, and postal history. Then, at the 8-minute mark, the real fun begins as he takes us on…

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APS Stamp Chats: Philately and Deltiology of Walpurgisnacht and the Hexentanzplatz

Walpurgisnacht, or Walpurgis Night, is called by some second Halloween or spring Halloween as it occurs the night of April 30 to May 1, which is exactly midway between fall Halloweens. Like Halloween, it has its origins in ancient legends and rituals, and legend has it that it’s the night…

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