Tony Wawrukiewicz, acclaimed researcher and writer, presents on “The United States Domestic Postal History of Postal, Reply-Post and Post Cards.”
Not all collectors explore the back of the book (Scott Catalogue) that contains just about all of philately beyond definitive, commemorative, and airmail stamps. Under its postal stationary program, the USPOD issued postal cards late in the race (1873) when entering what eventually became the Universal Postal Union. In 1892 they issued postal reply cards, the two-part product including an attached prepaid postal card for ease and speed of reply.
The international postal reply cards appeared in 1893, and here was an opportunity to mail a U.S. franked item a from a foreign country. Post cards (private mailing cards) and their offspring the picture postcards were private issues (almost) and have large a collecting base.
Tony shares colorful postal history and many fine examples of these items since inception. Enjoy the journey…