Rhodesia Philately: 1966 Independence Definitive Issue – ½d Maize

The source of this design was an artist’s impression of a partly exposed cob, and it was originally intended for the 3d stamp, in two colours – “corn-yellow” and blue.  The addition of a third colour, yellow-green for the leaves, was subsequently requested, and the fact that this would add half as much again to the production costs of the stamp created a problem: the print order for the 3d (the normal postage rate in Rhodesia) was about 36 million!

  • Designer: Victor Whiteley
  • Printer: Harrisons and Sons Ltd, London
  • Overprint: Mardon Printers (Pvt.) Ltd., Salisbury, Rhodesia
  • Process: Photogravure
  • Paper: White paper with clear gum
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: 14.5 (comb)
  • Cylinders: 1A 1A 1A
  • Sheet: R20 x 12
  • Quantity: 648,270
Sheet Numbers
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