Rhodesia Philately: Half-Collared Kingfisher (Alcedo semitorquata)

The half-collared kingfisher (Alcedo semitorquata) is a kingfisher in the subfamily Alcedininae that is found in southern and eastern Africa. It feeds almost exclusively on fish and frequents streams, rivers and larger bodies of water with dense shoreline vegetation.

“The black bill distinguishes this species from the other small blue kingfishers. It is extremely widespread, but not in large numbers. It is usually found along rivers and larger streams where it can be seen sitting on a perch just above the water. It dives from the perch to catch fish, but will also eat small crabs and insects. It nests in holes in river banks, usually under an overhanging bush or bank. It is found throughout Rhodesia below about 5,000 ft.”

Stamps & Postal Products

1971 Birds of Rhodesia – 2½c Half-collared Kingfisher
