Royal Philatelic Society London: Postal History of the Southern Coast of Norway (1719–1855)

Live via Zoom on 5th March 2024, an international audience of members and guests of the Royal Philatelic Society London were treated to a presentation of various covers telling the postal history of the Southern Coast of Norway and major parts of Norwegian postal history, in general.

A winner of 4 FIP and 2 FEPA Large Gold medals, and the Grand Prix Championship at Liberec 2022, from his home in Norway, Terje Heskestad’s talk covered the Norwegian postage rates used up to the General Postal Union, and the main postal route to Copenhagen through Sweden and to Hamburg, as well as the postal consequences of the Napoleonic Wars and the establishment of the first regular Norwegian routes to foreign countries by sea. The common thread running through the talk is the International Postal Conventions.

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