Southern Rhodesia Philately: 1932 Victoria Falls

It is hereby notified for public information that a new issue of 2d. and 3d. denominations of postage stamps will be on sale at all post offices on 1st May next.

The 2d. and 3d. denominations of the present issue will be valid for postal purposes until the 31st October, 1932, after which date such stamps will become obsolete and will cease to be valid.

Mail matter posted after the 31st October next which bears 2d. and 3d. stamps of the present issued will be surcharged. 

  • Date of Issue: 1 May 1932*
  • Orders:
  • Date Withdrawn:
  • Date Invalidated:
  • Designer:
  • Printer: Waterlow & Sons Ltd, London Wall, London, E.C.
  • Process: Recess
  • Paper: 
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: 12.5 (line)
  • Plates:
  • Sheet: R10 x 6 (60 stamps)
  • Quantity:

A set of both stamps was issued at Victoria Falls dated 30 April 1932.

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