Southern Rhodesia Philately: 1964 Definitive Series – 2/6d Tiger Fish

“Hold that tiger” becomes less of a catch-phrase and more of a necessity to the anglers of the Zambezi and Lake Kariba, where Hydrocyon vittatiis or “Lively water dog” has its haunts. The stamp picture, satisfactorily confined to two colours when it was thought three or more would be necessary, is a composite of transparencies, a coloured postcard and magazine pictures, and the authorities requested something “similar to the Norfolk Island 11d stamp”.

The format of the stamp is rather too small to do justice to the fighting tiger’s large, razor-sharp teeth which indicate its predatory, voracious appetite for smaller fish. The tiger fish is blue and silver with black lateral stripes and orange-red fins. The record catch is one of 34 lb. 3 oz. caught on the Zambezi, though there have been reports of a 50 lb. monster caught in Kariba Lake.”

  • Subject: Tiger Fish
  • Designer: Victor Whitely
  • Printer: Harrison & Sons Ltd, London
  • Process: Photogravure
  • Paper: White paper
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: 13.5 x 13 (comb)
  • Cylinders: 1A (Red) 1A (Blue)
  • Sheet: R10 x 6 60 stamps)
  • Quantity: 1,871,000
  • Reprints: 1965
Cylinder Numbers
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