Southern Rhodesia Philately: 1964 Definitive Series – 3d Kudu

Two transparencies provided this charming subject, one being used for the pose of the animal, evidently on the alert in a forest of young trees, the other for detail of head and horns. The studio team decided to emphasize these aspects of the kudu as its most attractive and distinctive features. The brushwork is subtle and delicate, and the paintwork has the quality of a bas-relief.

This is the Greater Kudu, Strepsiceros kudu, most common of the larger antelope in Southern Rhodesia. The bull, agile and graceful, stands 5 feet high at the shoulder and has magnificent, spiralling horns which may be over 4 feet in length. Its colour varies from smokey-blue to tawny-brown, with vertical “pencil” stripes at the sides of the body and a white “V” mark between the eyes.

  • Subject: Kudu
  • Designer: Victor Whitely
  • Printer: Harrison & Sons Ltd, London
  • Process: Photogravure
  • Paper: White paper
  • Watermark: None
  • Perf: 14.5 (comb)
  • Cylinders: 1A (Chocolate), 1A (Light Blue)
  • Sheet: R20 x 12
  • Quantity: 56,048,000
Cylinder Numbers
Sheet Numbers

Shift of cylinders

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