“This, eventually, became a three-colour subject. The initial drawing, in black and green, was based on transparencies of a large Hereford and a group of cattle. The golden-dun Tuli cattle on the stamp represent the second attempt to portray the Rhodesian beef industry which is expanding rapidly to meet growing export demands. For the background a “typical Rhodesian grazing pasture” was briefed, and this came from another colour transparency. The type of cattle reared for beef production varies with climatic conditions; the Tuli cattle are particularly suited to the low-rainfall, dry plains of Southern Rhodesia. Brown and bistre yellow are the dominant colours; the addition of blue for the sky tints the trees and grass conveniently green.”
- Subject: Cattle
- Designer: Victor Whitely
- Printer: Harrison & Sons Ltd, London
- Process: Photogravure
- Paper: White paper
- Watermark: None
- Perf: 14.5 x 14 (comb)
- Cylinders:
- Sheet: R10 x 6 (60 stamps)
- Quantity: 348,000