Stamps Aren’t Cool: Episode 2: Drop The Scissors!

So, you’re planning to clip the stamps off some old letters and ask a stamp collector what they’re worth?

STOP! Put down the scissors!

In this episode, Gerard explains why it’s worth leaving the stamps ON the envelopes, at least to start with. But old letters are right up his collecting alley… he’ll even show you one that travelled on the Hindenburg! Can Celeste and her trusty sidekick, Quackers the duck, stop Gerard from going Deep Nerd in just the second episode of their new podcast?

Stamps Aren’t Cool‘ explores the world of modern stamp collecting, while trying to avoid getting too nerdy. Your hosts are Gerard – a comedian who writes the stamp-collecting blog, Punk Philatelist – and Celeste, a non-collector who will ask questions on behalf of normal people, and kick Gerard under the table if he’s getting too excited. Philatelic news, collecting advice, dumb jokes and more.

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