Bahamas Philately: Mexican Fritillary (Euptoieta hegesia)

Euptoieta hegesia, the Mexican fritillary, is a North and South American butterfly in the family Nymphalidae. Two weakly defined subspecies are usually recognized. Those found on the Greater Antilles, Bahamas, and Caymen Islands belong to the “typical” nominate subspecies hegasia

The upper-side of the wings is bright orange with the basal part of the hindwing unmarked. There is a row of submarginal black spots on both the forewing and the hindwing. The underside of the wings is yellow orange with no sub-marginal black spots.

This species may be encountered in a wide range of open habitats and gardens.

Stamps & Postal Products

1975 Bahamas Butterflies – 21c Euptoieta Hegesia
